On Resource-Efficient Inference using Trained Convolutional Neural Networks

We are pleased to release new results on approximation of deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). We used Ristretto to approximate trained 32-bit floating point CNNs. The key results can be summarized as follows:

  • 8-bit dynamic fixed point is enough to approximate three ImageNet networks.
  • 32-bit multiplications can be replaced by bit-shifts for small networks.

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Hardware-oriented Approximation of Convolutional Neural Networks

This extended abstract describes our Ristretto framework for CNN compression. Last week Philipp presented the Ristretto Poster at ICLR’16 in San Juan.


High computational complexity hinders the widespread usage of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), especially in mobile devices. Hardware accelerators are arguably the most promising approach for reducing both execution time and power consumption. One of the most important steps in accelerator development is hardware-oriented model approximation. In this paper we present Ristretto, a model approximation framework that analyzes a given CNN with respect to numerical resolution used in representing weights and outputs of convolutional and fully connected layers. Ristretto can condense models by using fixed point arithmetic and representation instead of floating point. Moreover, Ristretto fine-tunes the resulting fixed point network. Given a maximum error tolerance of 1%, Ristretto can successfully condense CaffeNet and SqueezeNet to 8-bit. The code for Ristretto is available.




AlexNet Forward Path Implementation

In this post I’ll talk in detail about the forward path implementation of the famous AlexNet. This Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) by Krizhevsky and Hinton has won the ILSVR 2012 competition with a remarkable margin. If you are starting to work with CNNs or Deep Learning in general, this post will give you a head start. You can find a straight forward implementation of the CNN’s forward path on our Github site. Feel free to download it and classify arbitrary images.

Continue reading “AlexNet Forward Path Implementation”